
Overcoming emotional burn-out: our well-being advice to support you

More than 2.5 million French employees are in a situation of severe burn-out, according to a study carried out in June 2022 by the firm Empreinte Humaine and the polling institute Opinionway. If we talk more and more about professional burnout syndrome, burn-out emotional can also come from the personal or family environment. Characterized by a state of emotional and mental overwork resulting from prolonged situations of stress, burnout is also likely to affect physical health, or even lead to depression

How to take care of yourself to avoid emotional burn-out? Can we find serenity thanks to natural approaches? Let's explore the effective solutions available to us.

The causes and symptoms of emotional burnout

Professional burnout syndrome

burnout or professional exhaustion is a response to chronic stress at work. 

The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes it as a “work-related phenomenon”. It is characterized by a feeling of exhaustion, demotivation possibly accompanied by negative or cynical feelings, and a decline in efficiency at work. 

The National Institute for Research and Safety (INRS) describes professional burnout syndrome as a set of reactions following situations of chronic professional stress. The INRS mentions the following symptoms: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization or cynicism as well as a feeling of non-fulfillment at work.

However, an information report from the National Assembly dated February 15, 2017 recalls that “ one of the major obstacles in the fight against burn-out is the absence of a convincing, consensual and actually effective”.

Margaux Berbey, social law lawyer, specifies that if burn-out is indisputably linked to work, personal or family circumstances can also come into play. This contributes to the difficulty of agreeing on a clear definition and classifying burn-out as an occupational disease. 

The origins and signs of burn-out

Several factors within the work environment can contribute to the development of burnout syndrome:

  • excessive workload,
  • constant pressure leading to a significant mental load,
  • a lack of recognition or fairness,
  • limited social support,
  • strained professional relations,  
  • conflicting values. 

Common symptoms of burnout include:

  • constant emotional, mental and physical fatigue,
  • difficulty concentrating,
  • sleep disorders,
  • hypersensitivity manifested by signs of irritability and mood changes,
  • a decrease in self-confidence. 

It is essential to spot these signs as early as possible to prevent the long-term effects of burn-out, which can lead to to depression.

A healthy lifestyle to find serenity

The importance of quality sleep to recover from burn-out

Sleep represents an essential component of recovery and stress management. A lack of rest can exacerbate the symptoms of emotional burnout by increasing fatigue, decreasing concentration, and affecting mood. 

To improve the quality of your sleep, we recommend establishing a regular bedtime routine, limiting exposure to blue light before sleeping, and creating a calming environment.

If you feel a significant stimulation of your mind at bedtime, breathing techniques are particularly effective in order to return to the present moment, disconnect from your mind and regulate your stress. 

👉🏼 Discover our Day & Night Massage Oil which will allow you, by relieving tension, to relax and find the soothing for quick and easy falling asleep, without drowsiness. Used over a period of treatment, the unique composition of our massage oil will improve both sleep and wake cycles, thanks to its fundamental rebalancing action on the circadian system.

Choosing a balanced diet for emotional support

A healthy diet plays a major role in managing burn-out. Nutrient-rich foods help regulate mood. As such, avoid industrial products and refined foods and favor fresh and, if possible, organic fruits and vegetables. 

Foods rich in magnesium, B vitamins and omega-3, such as green leafy vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fish and nuts will help your mental health.

Also take the time to eat your meal in a quiet place, chew quietly and as slowly as possible. Be present in the moment by preferably avoiding any distractions, such as watching television for example. In situations of stress and anxiety, the mind is extremely stressed; also, learning to bring more presence to the moment is an essential key to returning to calm. You will notice that your chewing will be more peaceful, which will also have a beneficial effect on your digestion. 

The intestinal microbiota participates in the functioning of the brain and the regulation of mood, you will contribute to your well-being by paying more attention to your diet.

Physical exercise as a stress management tool

Physical activity is a great way to manage stress and build resilience in the face of emotional burnout. Exercises such as walking, yoga, or any other activity that increases heart rate can help release endorphins, often called the "happy hormones." Thus, endorphins provide pleasure through their analgesic, relaxing and anxiolytic actions.

Depending on how exhausted you are, you may find it difficult to undertake intense physical activities. Learn to listen to your body and start by setting achievable, but regular goals. You will gradually increase their duration and frequency. 

Physical exercise, even gentle exercise, will have beneficial effects on your energy level, your digestive system and your mind by allowing you to be present and will also help to strengthen your self-esteem. Regular physical activity will also help to achieve better quality sleep.

Relaxation practices to regulate the nervous system

Breathing techniques and meditation

pranayama represents a technique for regulating breathing which constitutes an integral part of yoga and meditation practices. In the Sanskrit language, prana means “energy of life ” and yama means “control”. The principle of this technique consists of consciously inhaling and exhaling, possibly with a time to hold your breath.

Beyond the practice of pranayama during a meditation or yoga session, you can benefit from its benefits through conscious breathing alone. This helps connect the body and mind by filling up with oxygen while eliminating toxins. 

The advantage of these techniques, like alternate breathing, for example, is that you can practice them anywhere, as soon as the need arises. You can easily find these techniques in the form of guided exercises using many online apps and videos.

Scientific studies demonstrate the benefits of pranayama :

  • reduction of stress,
  • improved sleep quality,
  • increased mindfulness,
  • lower blood pressure,
  • improved lung function and cognitive performance,
  • reduction in cigarette cravings.

The “cardiac coherence” techniques focus on putting the rhythm of the heart in phase with the breathing, a particularly useful practice in cases of anxiety and at bedtime if necessary.

Yoga and tai chi for burn-out

Yoga and tai chi are practices that combine physical movements or asanas , controlled breathing and meditation to create an overall experience of well-being. A growing body of research supports the effectiveness of these practices in reducing stress and anxiety.

Natural approaches to promote mental well-being

Herbal medicine to treat emotional burn-out

Phytotherapy, or the use of medicinal plants, represents a valuable ally in the natural treatment of burn-out. Plants such as St. John's wort, lavender, chamomile, ylang-ylang and passionflower are known for their calming properties. 

You can use them in the form of essential oils, in aromatherapy using a diffuser, or in massage combined with a vegetable oil such as sweet almond or coconut oil. Massage also has the benefit of reminding you to take care of yourself. Chamomile can be used by infusing the dried flowers of the plant, particularly at bedtime.

👉🏼 Discover our range of “Calm & Serenity” products created using a synergy of carefully selected essential oils (Roman chamomile, true lavender, incense, yuzu and eucalyptus staigeriana).

We advise you to consult a healthcare professional before starting herbal treatment.

The use of CBD for emotional balance

Cannabidiol (CBD), a component of the cannabis plant, is known for its relaxing properties. Preliminary research suggests that CBD may help overcome stress and anxiety, common symptoms of emotional burnout. 

Among others, a scientific study was published in August 2021 by the National Library of Medicine following a clinical trial carried out among 120 healthcare professionals during the covid-19 pandemic. These people, particularly prone to professional burnout syndrome during this period, saw their symptoms linked to burn-out decrease after treatment based on CBD. The study recognizes the anxiolytic and antidepressant properties of cannabidiol. 

However, it remains important to choose high-quality products and to consult a healthcare professional if you are using CBD for the first time, mainly because of its potential contraindications with other drug treatments .

👉🏼 Discover our Day & Night Roller, designed using a unique formula based on cannabidiol and essential oils. Beyond the properties of the massage oil, its format will allow you to use it more locally on points of tension. By scanning your body, you will become aware of the areas that need your attention. Easy to take with you, always at hand, it will allow you to reconnect with serenity as soon as you feel the need.

Food supplements to support the treatment of burn-out

Certain food supplements, such as omega-3, vitamin D, or magnesium, can support mental and physical well-being, and thus help heal burn-out emotional. 

It is recommended to consult a healthcare professional before starting treatment.

The importance of social and professional support

If you feel overwhelmed by overwork and think you are in a situation of burn-out, we advise you to look for help from a mental health professional. He will be able to recommend sick leave if necessary, help you identify the origins of your discomfort, listen to your body and understand how to regulate stressful situations in the long term.

Support from friends, family, and colleagues also plays an important role in healing from emotional burnout. Your network will allow you to express what weighs on you while maintaining a social connection. 

If one of your loved ones finds themselves in a situation of emotional exhaustion, you can support them by offering your help. The support, presence and active listening that you offer will be precious to him. Optionally, introduce them to professional help resources by encouraging them to take steps to protect themselves and recover, such as seeing a therapist or reducing their workload.

Emotional burnout requires rapid attention and intervention. Fortunately, there are various natural and effective solutions that can help overcome this difficult situation. By adopting a healthy lifestyle, practicing relaxation techniques and getting support, you will find the path to emotional balance and health. Recovery time after burnout varies from person to person and depends on various factors. Learn to listen to your body, move at your own pace and be patient throughout the recovery journey.


Study on the state of psychological health of French employees, Cabinet Empreinte Humaine and Survey Institute Opinionway

Burn-out, an “occupational phenomenon”: International classification of diseases, World Health Organization 

Efficacy and Safety of Cannabidiol Plus Standard Care vs Standard Care Alone for the Treatment of Emotional Exhaustion and Burnout Among Frontline Health Care Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic, National Library of Medicine, August 2021

Professional exhaustion or burn-out, INRS

Information report from the National Assembly concluding the work of the fact-finding mission relating to professional exhaustion syndrome (or burn-out)

Can burnout be recognized as an occupational illness ?, Capital

7 science-backed benefits of pranayama, Healthline